Tuesday, July 05, 2005

10 Reasons to Hate The All Star Game

10. Mike Piazza - I'm not saying I want to throw a splintered bat head at him but theres something not right about that guy.
9. This time it counts - Its so satisfying to know that an exhibition game involving a bunch of players who will not even be involved in the playoffs let alone the actual World Series will get to decide who gets homefield advantage.
8. Its on a Tuesday - Why Tuesday? To avoid conflicting with wrestling or something?
7. Each team has to have at least one representative - Why not just have the best players especially now these games 'count'? Would anyone miss Brian Fuentes?
6. Lets face it, more often than not the game is boring.
5. The increasingly annoying player intros that last a week - God I hope they don't trapse out their kids again.
4. Don't the US Airforce have better things to do than buzz a ballpark?
3. Do we really want our best players getting injured mid-season?
2. The ballot box stuffing by certain teams fans.
1. Does anyone really care who wins?

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